Saturday, April 26, 2008


Ah, the first entry on a new blog. It's like putting on a pair of white athletic socks right out of the package. There's something fresh about it.

So, a couple of things have happened to me and my wife during these last few months. I've been given a new position at church: that of Worship Director. Unofficially, I've taken more of a leadership role in helping facilitate a conversation amongst our staff on spiritual formation, the process by which we partner with God in growing up Jesus in us. Over the summer, I will be transitioning out of my duties as College Pastor, and into my duties as Worship Director. So, that's the first thing.

The second thing that's happened to me and my wife is this: her job has pretty much gone down the tubes. Big time. It's been tough on her, having to let go of her job and the security that came along with it... not to mention the identity questions that come up any time someone faces an occupational change. So, she's currently looking for a new one, and has been for some time, but as yet to settle on a particular opportunity.

Some other things have happened that have "written" on our lives in a new way:

-the church that I work at has grown, both numerically and monetarily
-my calendar is now filled every week with people needing spiritual direction
-i've actually started to work out regularly
-i've gotten a pay raise with my new position
-we've had to spend a month living under what it'd be like to live off of only my income
-we've grown a lot closer to making the decision to start to try having a child
-our creative team at church is beginning to articulate a musical philosophy and style

All of these things are so "adult." Yes, I'm well aware of how young that makes me sound. But so be it. I'm still in my 20's.

But, all of these things point to what life is like when you spend some time in one place. You build a family. You shape direction. Your peers start to recognize who you are and how you contribute. God begins to reveal how he will use you. You start to be [re]written.

Who knew these socks would look and feel like this?