Troubling things I hold to be true:
- The Bible is the Word of God, inspired and inerrant in its original autographs.
- There are some parts of the Bible that we are not quite sure what the original autographs said.
- Modern translations of the Bible reflect both original authorial intent and the theology of the translator.
- The Bible contains both cultural applications and timeless principles.
- Justice is more than just helping the poor.
- Justice is no less than helping the poor.
- God hates sin.
- There is a hell.
- Jesus is the only way to the Father.
- There is truth in other religions.
- God is a person who is present.
- The gospel of Jesus Christ cannot be reduced to moralism.
- Legalism in all of its forms is an affront to the message of Jesus.
- Pastors are people.
- Being homosexually oriented is not a sin, but practicing it is.
- God loves sinners, and we cannot claim to follow him yet not do the same.
- God disciplines his children who disobey.
- Love is sacrifice.
- There is no separation between the secular and sacred.
- There is a real difference between evil and good.
- Evil sometimes must be stopped by force.
- There is no such thing as a godly vote.
- Global warming is real.
- The mortgage crisis is the fault of greedy lenders AND borrowers.
- Sex finds its place only in marriage.
- Marriage is between a man and a woman.
- Salvation is as much of an event as it is a process.
- President Bush is not the worst president in U.S. history.
- President Bush is not the prime example of a godly leader.
- I am a citizen of God's kingdom before I am a citizen of the United States. Those two are not the same.
- Jesus wouldn't bomb anyone.
- Jesus will one day kill all of those who oppose him.
- Heaven isn't just later, it is now.
- Retirement is not the goal of working.
- The family unit is not the cornerstone of a good society.
- You can not legislate morality.
- We should not filter our votes by the hot-button issues of abortion and homosexuality.
- Liberalism is fiscally irresponsible and dangerously naive.
- Conservatism protects the wealthy at the expense of the poor, and permits the hating one's enemy.
- Terrorism is a real threat.
- Darwinistic evolution is incompatible with the Genesis story.
- Geological evolution is compatible with the Genesis story.
- Adam and Eve were real people.
And I could go on, and on, and on. It just seems like lately, I've had to either test/reexamine some of these things, or stand up and claim allegiance to them under criticism or attack.